Gallbladder Symptoms. 10 Symptoms of Gallbladder Attack and Pain

The gallbladder is a small pouch that sits just under the liver. The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver. After meals, the gall...

The gallbladder is a small pouch that sits just under the liver. The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver. After meals, the gallbladder is empty and flat, like a deflated balloon. Before a meal, the gallbladder may be full of bile and about the size of a small pear.

In response to signals, the gallbladder squeezes stored bile into the small intestine through a series of tubes called ducts. Bile helps digest fats, but the gallbladder itself is not essential. Removing the gallbladder in an otherwise healthy individual typically causes no observable problems with health or digestion yet there may be a small risk of diarrhea and fat malabsorption.
Picture of Liver with Gallbladder
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painful ache in the right abdomen. The first symptom a person experiences when suffering from gallstones is a pain. The exact location can differ from person to person, but with most the ache will be centered on the gallbladder. This is located just under the liver, so the pain will be centered below the ribs on the right of your body. The intensity of the pain will depend on the intensity of the condition, ranging from very mild in the initial stages to a deep agony in the right abdomen if the condition is more serious.
Bloating, gas, and problems with digestion. When you have a gallstone, this blocks the bile the liver produces from entering the digestive tract, and thus directly impacts the digestive process. You will have problems with digestion, and experience bloating and flatulence. The body will also be less able to absorb crucial nutrients and fats from the intestinal region. This is accompanied by pain and is medically known as biliary colic. The pain can radiate out from the upper right of the abdomen into the shoulder region, and into the upper back area.
Pain radiating into the upper right-hand side of the back. When one suffers from a gallbladder attack, due to compression of the nerves leading to the upper right of the back, one can feel considerable pain in this area. Different people can experience this effect in different ways, with the pain extending between the shoulder blades, towards the lowest point of the right-side shoulder blade, or to the top of that shoulder. This pain, though felt in the back, is actually pain from the abdominal area radiating into the back. This pain might not necessarily be consistent and could even appear and disappear sporadically, with the intake of food sometimes making it worse.
Queasiness and vomiting when the stomach is full. In the initial stages, a gallbladder problem will manifest as queasiness and nausea – this will be very persistent, and may lead to actual vomiting, usually just after you have eaten. This may be the body’s way of providing relief, as many people suffering from this condition find that it helps with the gas, indigestion and stomach issues associated with gallbladder attacks. However, as the condition worsens, the patient will develop fevers when the attacks of vomiting occur. The most intense attacks of nausea and vomiting will occur after you eat difficult-to-digest meals, as also during the night. Some physicians believe that attacks at night are caused by pressure on the organs during sleep.
Severe issues with the digestive tract. Flatulence and problems with queasiness and vomiting, as well as discomfort in the abdomen, are common symptoms of a gallbladder attack. However, there are a great number of ailments that can cause these symptoms. As the condition progresses, however, these relatively mundane symptoms escalate into intense vomiting and severe indigestion that eventually leads to diarrhea. If these symptoms are accompanied by intense pain to the right of the abdomen it is a relatively definite indicator of a gallbladder attack and a visit to your physician is strongly advised.
Lack of appetite. Gallbladder attacks can make eating a traumatic experience – taking in a major meal fraught with feelings of nausea, and even outright vomiting directly after the meal. As if that were not enough, the biliary pain experienced by the patient is also directly associated with the meal. As all this is centered on the act of eating, the patient eventually associates the discomfort and trauma with eating and begins to avoid it. In an infection that remains untreated, bile from the bile duct can be prevented from entering the digestive tract completely, almost entirely disrupting the digestive process. Issues with the gallbladder are far more pronounced in people whose immune systems have been compromised.
Running a temperature and shivering. Fevers are usually linked to infections. People suffering from gallbladder attacks do not usually experience fevers. However, if the other symptoms of a gallbladder attack are prevalent, and the patient is suffering a fever, it is indicative of the seriousness of the condition. Fevers usually occur when a gallbladder attack escalates into an infection (cholecystitis). At this point, the patient will not only be running a temperature but will also be vomiting at intervals. This is a serious condition that could well prove fatal, as gangrene may set in, or the wall of the gallbladder itself might be breached.
Symptomatic and visible changes in urine. One of the most powerful indications of gallbladder disease is passing urine of an indicatively dark color. Such urine can range in color from a deep brown to a deep brown with a yellowish tinge. This dark tinting is actually bile pigmentation induced into the urinary tract by the disease. This is an extremely clear indicator that the disease is present, and is a fairly early warning that something is wrong, and if treatment is sought at this point, many more serious consequences of the disease may be avoided. Discolored urine can also be indicative of conditions arising from the bladder and even the kidneys.
Liver dysfunction and Jaundice. In more serious attacks of gallbladder disease the bile duct can actually become infected or blocked, and inevitably, an excess of bile builds in the liver. Waste products (bilirubin) begin to accumulate in the blood, causing the classic symptoms of jaundice. Thus, jaundice, while it can be indicative of a wide range of health conditions, is also an indicator of severe gallbladder disease. The skin acquires a yellowish tinge, as does the white area in each eye.
Irregularities in color and texture of stools. Gallbladder disease causes blockage of the bile ducts, causing unusually large amounts of fats to get eliminated within the stool, causing a noticeable alteration of not just the color, but also the consistency of the stool, making it come across more yellow and clayish rather than brown and solid. If left unattended, this disease could eventually lead to very loose stools, which at times can result in volatile movements of the bowel accompanied by a rotten smell, symptomatic of a gallbladder attack.
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मासिक,1,उन्माद,1,उन्‍मुक्‍त,1,उप‍लब्धि,3,उबुन्टू,1,उल्‍कापात,1,उल्‍कापिंड,1,ऋग्वेद,1,एड्स जांच दिवस,1,एड्सरोधी क्रीम,1,एनिमल वेलफेयर बोर्ड ऑफ इंडिया,1,एल्कोहल,1,एल्फ्रेड नोबल,1,औरतों में दिल की बीमारी का खतरा,1,कदाचार,1,कपडे,1,कम्‍प्‍यूटर एवं तकनीक,4,कम्प्यूटर विज्ञान,1,करेंट साइंस,1,कर्मवाद,1,किसानों की आत्महत्याएँ,1,कीमती समय,1,कृत्रिम जीवन,1,कृत्रिम रक्‍त,1,कृषि अवशेष,1,केविन वार्विक्क,1,कैसे मजबूत बनाएं हड्डियां,1,क्रायोनिक्स,1,क्रैग वेंटर,1,क्षय मास,1,क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं में विज्ञान कथा लेखन,2,खगोल,1,खगोल विज्ञान,2,खगोल विज्ञान.,1,खगोल वेधशाला,1,खतरनाक व्‍यवहार,1,खाद्य विषाक्‍तता,1,खारा जल,1,खूबसूरत आँखें,1,गणित,3,गति,1,गर्भकाल,1,गर्भस्‍थ शिशु का पोषण,1,गर्मी से बचने के तरीके,1,गुणसूत्र,1,गेलिलियो,1,गोल्डेन नंबर,2,गौरैया,1,ग्रह,1,ग्रीष्मकालीन अयनांत,1,ग्रुप व्हेलॉसिटी,1,ग्रेफ़ाइट,1,ग्लोबल वार्मिंग,2,घाघ-भड्डरी,1,चंद्रग्रहण,1,चमत्कार,1,चमत्कारिक पत्थर,1,चरघातांकी संख्याएं,1,चार्ल्‍स डार्विन,1,चिकत्सा विज्ञान,1,चैटिंग,1,छरहरी काया,1,छुद्रग्रह,1,जल ही जीवन है,1,जान जेम्स आडूबान,1,जानवरों की अभिव्यक्ति,1,जीवन और जंग,1,जीवन की उत्‍पत्ति,1,जैव विविधता वर्ष,1,जैव शवदाह,1,ज्योतिष,1,ज्योतिष और अंधविश्वास,2,झारखण्‍ड,1,टिंडल प्रभाव,1,टीलोमियर,1,टीवी और स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य,1,टीवी के दुष्‍प्रभाव,1,टेक्‍नालॉजी,1,टॉप 10 ब्लॉगर,1,डा0 अब्राहम टी कोवूर,1,डा0 ए0 पी0 जे0 अब्दुल कलाम,1,डाइनामाइट,1,डाटा सेंटर,1,डिस्कस,1,डी•एन•ए• की खोज,3,डीप किसिंग,1,डॉ मनोज पटैरिया,1,डॉ. के.एन. पांडेय,1,डॉ० मिश्र,1,ड्रग एडिक्‍ट,1,ड्रग्स,1,ड्रग्‍स की लत,1,तम्बाकू,1,तम्‍बाकू के दुष्‍प्रभाव,1,तम्बाकू निषेध,1,तर्कशास्त्र,1,ताँत्रिक क्रियाएँ,1,थर्मोइलेक्ट्रिक जेनरेटर,1,थ्री ईडियट्स के फार्मूले,1,दर्दनाशी,1,दर्शन,1,दर्शन लाल बवेजा,3,दिल की बीमारी,1,दिव्‍य शक्ति,1,दुरबीन,1,दूरानुभूति,1,दोहरे मानदण्ड,1,धरोहर,1,धर्म,2,धातु विज्ञान,1,धार्मिक पाखण्ड,1,धुम्रपान और याद्दाश्‍त,1,धुम्रपान के दुष्‍प्रभाव,1,धूल-मिट्टी,1,नई खोजें,1,नन्हे आविष्कार,1,नमक,1,नवाचारी भौतिकी,1,नशीली दवाएं,1,नाइट शिफ्ट के दुष्‍प्रभाव,1,नारायणमूर्ति,1,नारी-मुक्ति,1,नींद और बीमारियां,1,नींद न आने के कारण,1,नेत्रदान और ब्लॉगर्स,1,नेत्रदान का महत्‍व,1,नेत्रदान कैसे करें?,1,नैनो टेक्नालॉजी,1,नॉटिलस,1,नोबल पुरस्कार,1,नोबेल पुरस्कार,2,न्‍यूटन,1,परमाणु पनडुब्‍बी,1,परासरण विधि,1,पर्यावरण और हम,1,पर्यावरण चेतना,2,पशु पक्षी व्यवहार,1,पहली बारिश,1,पाई दिवस,1,पुच्‍छल तारा,1,पुरुष -स्त्री लिंग अनुपात,1,पूर्ण अँधियारा चंद्रग्रहण,1,पृथ्वी की परिधि,3,पृथ्‍वेतर जीवन,1,पेट्रोल चोरी,1,पेंसिल,1,पैडल वाली पनडुब्बी,1,पैराशूट,1,पॉवर कट से राहत,1,पौरूष शक्ति,1,प्रकाश,2,प्रज्ञाएँ,1,प्रतिपदार्थ,1,प्रतिरक्षा,1,प्रदूषण,1,प्रदूषण और आम आदमी,1,प्ररेणा प्रसंग,1,प्रलय,2,प्रलय का दावा बेटुल्गुयेज,1,प्रसव पीड़ा,1,प्रेम में ।धोखा,1,प्रोटीन माया,1,प्लास्टिक कचरा,1,फाई दिवस,1,फिबोनाकी श्रेणी,1,फिबोनाची,1,फेसबुक,1,फ्रीवेयर,1,फ्रेंकेंस्टाइन,1,फ्रेंच किसिंग,1,बनारस,1,बायो-क्रेमेशन,1,बायोमैट्रिक पहचान तकनीकियाँ,2,बाल विज्ञान कथा,1,बालसुब्रमण्यम,6,बिग-बेंग सिद्धांत,1,बिजली,1,बिजली उत्‍पादन,1,बिजली कैसे बनती है?,1,बिजलीघर,1,बिली का विकल्‍प,1,बी0एम0डब्ल्यू0,1,बीरबल साहनी,1,बुलेटप्रूफ,1,बैल चालित पम्प,1,ब्रह्मण्‍ड,1,ब्रह्मा,1,ब्रह्माण्‍ड,1,ब्रह्माण्‍ड के रहस्‍य,1,ब्रह्मान्ड,1,ब्रेन म्‍यूजिक,1,ब्लॉग लेखन,1,ब्लॉग लेखन के द्वारा विज्ञान संचार,2,ब्लॉगिंग का महत्व,1,भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान अनुसंधान परिषद,1,भारतीय विज्ञान कथा लेखक समिति,1,भारतीय वैज्ञानिक,2,भारतीय शोध,1,भूकंप के झटके,1,भूकम्‍प,1,भूगर्भिक हलचलें,1,मंगल,1,मधुमेह और खानपान,1,मनजीत सिंह बोपाराय,1,मनीष मोहन गोरे,1,मनीष वैद्य,1,मनु स्मृति,1,मनोरंजक गणित,1,महिला दिवस,1,माचू-पिचू,1,मानव शरीर,1,माया,1,मारिजुआना,1,मासिक धर्म,1,मिल्‍की वे,1,मिशन स्टारडस्ट-नेक्स,1,मीठी गपशप,1,मीमांसा,1,मुख कैंसर,1,मृत सागर,1,मेघ राज मित्र,1,मेडिकल रिसर्च,1,मेरी शैली,1,मैथेमेटिक्स ओलम्पियाड,1,मैरी क्‍यूरी,2,मैरीन इनोवेटिव टेक्नोलॉजीज लि,1,मोटापा,1,मोबाईल के नुकसान,1,मौसम,1,यजुर्वेद,1,युवा अनुसंधानकर्ता पुरष्कार,1,यूरी गागरिन,1,योगेन्द्र पाल,1,योगेश,1,योगेश रे,1,रक्षा उपकरण,1,राईबोसोम,1,रूप गठन,1,रेडियो टोमोग्राफिक इमेजिंग,1,रैबीज,1,रोचक रोमांचक अंटार्कटिका,4,रोबोटिक्स,1,लखनऊ,1,लादेन,1,लालन-पालन,1,लिनक्स,1,लिपरेशी,1,लीप इयर,1,लेड,1,लॉ ऑफ ग्रेविटी,1,लोक विज्ञान,1,लौह स्तम्भ,1,वजन घटाने का आसान तरीका,1,वाई गुणसूत्र,1,वायु प्रदुषण,1,वाशो,1,विज्ञान,1,विज्ञान कथा,3,विज्ञान कथा सम्मेलन,1,विज्ञान के खेल,2,विज्ञान चुटकले,1,विज्ञान तथा प्रौद्यौगिकी,1,विज्ञान प्रगति,1,विज्ञान ब्लॉग,1,विज्ञापन,1,विटामिनों के वहम,1,विद्युत,1,विवेकानंद,1,विवेचना-व्याख्या,1,विश्व नि-तम्बाकू दिवस,1,विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस,1,विश्व भूगर्भ जल दिवस,1,विष्णु,1,वीडियो,1,वीडियो बुक,1,वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण,1,वैद्य अश्विनी कुमार,1,वोस्तोक,1,व्‍यायाम के लाभ,1,व्हेलॉसिटी,1,शिव,1,शुक्र पारगमन,1,शुगर के दुष्‍प्रभाव,1,शून्य,1,शोध परिणाम,1,शोधन,1,श्रृष्टि का अंत,1,सं. राष्ट्रसंघ,1,सकारात्‍मक सोच का जादू,1,संक्रमण,1,संख्या,1,संजय ग्रोवर,1,संज्ञात्मक पक्षी विज्ञान,1,सटीक व्‍यायाम,1,संत बलबीर सिंह सीचेवाल,1,सत्यजित रे,1,समय की बरबादी को रोचकने के उपाय,1,समाज और हम,1,समुद्र,1,संयोग,1,सर चन्द्रशेखर वेंकट रमन राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान दिवस,1,सर्प संसार,1,साइकोलोजिस्ट,1,साइनस उपचार,1,साइंस ब्लागर्स मीट,1,साइंस ब्लागर्स मीट.,2,साइंस ब्लॉग कार्यशाला,2,साइंस ब्लॉगर्स असोसिएशन अवार्ड,1,साइंस ब्लॉगर्स असोसिएशन रजिस्ट्रेशन,1,साइंस ब्लॉगर्स ऑफ दि ईयर अवार्ड,1,साइंस ब्लोगिंग,1,साईकिल,1,सामवेद,1,सामाजिक अभिशाप,1,सामाजिक चेतना,1,साहित्यिक चोरी,2,सिगरेट छोड़ें,1,सी. एस. आई. आर.,1,सी.वी.रमण विज्ञान क्लब,1,सीजेरियन ऑपरेशन,1,सुपर अर्थ,1,सुपर कम्प्यूटर,1,सुरक्षित ब्लॉगिंग,1,सूर्यग्रहण,2,सृष्टि व जीवन,3,सेक्स रेशियो,1,सेहत की देखभाल,1,सोशल नेटवर्किंग,1,स्टीफेन हाकिंग,1,स्पेन,1,स्मृति,1,स्वर्ण अनुपात,1,स्वाईन-फ्लू,1,स्वास्थ्य,2,स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य और खानपान,1,स्वास्थ्य चेतना,3,हमारे वैज्ञानिक,4,हरित क्रांति,1,हंसी के फायदे,1,हाथरस कार्यशाला,1,हिंद महासागर,1,हृदय रोग,1,होलिका दहन,1,ह्यूमन रोबोट,1,
Science Bloggers' Association: Gallbladder Symptoms. 10 Symptoms of Gallbladder Attack and Pain
Gallbladder Symptoms. 10 Symptoms of Gallbladder Attack and Pain*&output-quality=100
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